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Retained Primitive Reflexes

For Learning Disorders

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Dr. Samuel Jamieson specializes in treating learning difficulties including ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, developmental delays, autism and autistic spectrum disorders. As part of this treatment, he checks for not properly integrated primitive reflexes. With a sequence of correct adjustments, he can facilitate their integration without needing additional neurological exercises.

Learning difficulty is a major problem.
It has been estimated that 15-20% of children in our society suffer some degree of learning difficulty. Studies show that today 1 in 6 children in the US have Autism, ADD, ADHD or dyslexia. California has the highest population of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. We know that caring 24 by 7 for your child is an impossible task. We all want to help our children in any way possible so they can reach their full potential and enjoy life as fully as possible. Unfortunately, few of us realize that the consequences of learning difficulty can be far more disturbing.

Children with learning difficulty are more prone to depression and anxiety. Some children show social and behavioral issues such as obsessive compulsive disorders, obsessions and phobias, even aggressions, tantrums and self-hurt behavior. Juvenile suicide is an increasing and disturbing phenomenon. These children also more sensitive to auto-immune issues, and battle with inflammations, gut problems and allergies.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t always see the relationship between the learning disabilities and behavioral issues and the physical and emotional condition of the child.


Relationship between Learning and Behavior and the Triangle of Health.

A large proportion of those suffering from learning difficulty can be, and have been helped. But about 15% of students do not learn easily despite excellent teaching, parenting and individual tutoring.

This is because the basis for the complex skills that are required for learning and behavior is dependent on the structural, emotional and biochemical systems of the body and how well they work together. Dr. Jamieson calls it the triangle of health. Our children are healthy both physically and intellectually when their structural, biochemical, and emotional aspects are harmoniously balanced. Each side of the triangle influences the other two sides.


Structural interferences cause diminished brain, nerve and organ function impacting learning and behavior.


The biochemical system and the gut is in many cases a mirror of the neurological system. Inflammation in the gut often means inflammation in the brain. The biochemical system is greatly impacted by what your child eats and the toxins and allergens it is exposed to.


Many children have food sensitivities to gluten, casein, sugar and/or corn causing severe inflammation in the brain. Eating a healthy restricted diet and eliminating toxins and allergens will greatly improve their learning and behavioral issues and strengthen their immune system.


Emotions such as fear, anger, grief and many others can negatively affect your child long after the original event that caused them. When they fail to “let go” of these emotions they can start showing self-sabotaging behaviors, destructive beliefs, phobias and many chronic physical problems. Dr. Jamieson can unlock those emotions with Neuro-Emotional Technique. Anxiety and phobias disappear causing the activity of the brain to normalize and improving learning and behavior.



Learning and behavioral issues can only be treated when looking at the body holistically. That’s why there is little use trying to force extra teaching or behavior modification upon a system in which the basic intrinsic modules for learning and behavior are not correctly functioning.

Retained primitive reflexes are also a major problem that disrupts the structural, emotional and biochemical bases of learning and behavior.


Primitive Reflexes.

Primitive reflexes are needed for survival and development in the womb and in early months of life. During this time, the higher centers of our central nervous system are not fully developed. That’s why we are protected and assisted by reflexes, controlled by lower centers of our brain. A reflex does not involve thinking, it is an involuntary response. For example an external stimulus such as a touch, noise, heat or an internal stimulus like hunger triggers an automatic, involuntary reaction if the relevant reflex is active. As higher brain centers begin to mature enough for conscious control of activity, the involuntary, uncontrollable reflex responses are a nuisance. The reflexes anatomically and neurologically stay for the remainder of our life, but, if all is well, they are integrated into the higher control center of our brain.


Retained Primitive Reflexes can cause serious conditions.
Primitive reflexes ideally begin to function in a particular order and are integrated in a specific sequence. If they are retained out of sequence, they disturb the development and integration of subsequent reflexes. If they are retained beyond their normal age of integration they can disturb some or all of the functions of higher brain centers, which includes behavior, learning, the integration of gross or fine movements and more.

Primitive reflexes are automatic, stimulus-elicited without involvement of our higher decision making processes. Your child has little or no control over their elicitation. Some examples of primitive reflexes that are often retained and how they can affect our children are:


·         Fear Paralysis Reflex: Parasympathetic ANS issues such as anxiety, panic attacks, SIDS

·         Moro Reflex: Sympathetic ANS issues such as aggression, ADHD, asthma, immune system disorders

·         Palmar Reflex: Poor verbal and written expression, fine motor skills, posture

·         Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex: Learning difficulties, misjudging distances, shoulder injuries

·         Rooting Reflex: Hormonal dysfunctions in the HPA axis, especially thyroid

·         Tonic Labyrinthine Reflexes: Motion sickness, LD, Balance and visual disturbances

·         Spinal Galant Reflex: Hyperactivity, Bedwetting, Scoliosis, Gait abnormalities


Structural Corrections for Retained Primitive Reflexes.

Dr. Jamieson can identify which Primitive Reflexes have not been fully integrated and make the correct structural adjustments to facilitate this integration. He can assist the integration of retained primitive reflexes with specialized cranio-sacral corrections. In particular, the correction of specific cranio-sacral faults while putting the child in postures related to primitive reflexes, removes the inhibition to normal primitive reflex integration. This allows the higher brain centers to integrate the reflexes.


Once primitive reflexes are integrated, your child should start receiving greater benefit from other therapies such as Neurofeedback Therapy, which we offer at our office. But also Occupational Therapy (Speech & Language (S&L), Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID)), Social Therapy (Relational Development Interface (RDI) and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)) and Tutoring. Their results are greatly enhanced if structural, biochemical and emotional interferences and retained primitive reflexes are treated first.


There is hope for your child. We can help.

Learning and behavioral issues can only be treated effectively when looking at the body as a whole. Retained Primitive Reflexes are just one major problem that disrupts the structural, emotional and biochemical bases of learning and behavior.


We want to let you know that there is hope. Dr. Jamieson can help your child by identifying and correcting the structural, biochemical and emotional interferences of your child’s health. In addition, we offer Advanced Neurofeedback therapy, which is the most effective brain training available today.


To learn more about our integrative approach and how we have helped many children, read our newsletter “Do you know a child with a developmental disorder?”


Call us today at 408 517-0706 and set up an appointment for your child now!




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