
The key to health.
Our integrative approach.


Samuel Jamieson is an integrative doctor who practices both functional
medicine and functional neurology. Although he wants to help everyone in
the Bay Area achieve and maintain optimal health, peak performance and
wellness, he specializes in complex conditions affecting multiple systems
such as the neurological, immune and endocrine systems.
treats the whole person rather than isolated symptoms and investigates the
underlying causes of your condition. He believes that your emotions and
what you eat and breathe can affect your health. He believes that all
systems in your body are connected and affect each other and that your body
and brain affect each other. He uses a complex protocol integrating
different techniques to eliminate structural, biochemical and emotional
causes of your condition.
The Key to Health.
Jamieson believes that the key to health is to look at the whole person,
not just an isolated set of symptoms. He spends time with his patients,
listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic,
environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health
and complex, chronic disease. He focuses on identifying and removing the 3
interferences to health, so the body can heal itself.
1. Structural
2. Biochemical interference (malnutrition and accumulated toxins)
3. Emotional Stress
Health can be compared to a triangle. We are healthy when our structural,
biochemical, and emotional aspects are harmoniously balanced. Each side of
the triangle influences the other two sides. Structural interferences cause
diminished nerve and organ function. The second side of the triangle, our
body’s chemistry, addresses the foods we eat, the toxins and allergens
we’re exposed to. Emotions, stress and how we respond to daily events are
the third side of the triangle.
Receive Integrative Personalized Health Care.
Jamieson looks at the unique expression of health and vitality of each
Using a
combination of chiropractic, kinesiologic,
instrument and laboratory analysis, Dr. Jamieson is able to identify which
interferences are affecting your health and what steps are necessary to
remove them. This can include muscle testing, nutrition response testing,
total body modification technique, mineral hair analysis, saliva laboratory
tests, blood tests, a qEEG brain map, Neuro
Emotional Technique (NET) and X-rays.
each body is unique and has different needs, you need individual attention. Therefore, we will recommend a custom designed clinical protocol
to address your specific needs and health issues. Your protocol may include
chiropractic procedures, personalized exercises, detoxification programs,
nutritional supplements, herbs and homeopathy, dietary changes, qEEG
neurofeedback brain training and may also require personal lifestyle
the integrative personalized health care we provide, we want to ensure that
you receive the very best that
alternative healthcare has to offer, so you and your children can be free
of your health issues sooner, live healthier longer and enjoy life more.
To learn more about our approach, please sign up to receive
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