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What is Advanced Neurofeedback?


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Our integrative healing process


Why are we different?


qEEG brain mapping


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Autistic Spectrum Disorders








Parkinson’s Disease


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Functional Neurofeedback

Our difference







Why are we different?


With Typical Neurofeedback, practitioners take a one-size-fits-all approach to training their clients. This broad approach overlooks possible subtypes of a problem and fails to address the true sources of a client’s problems. Some practitioners use subjective symptoms versus data from a qEEG brain map to develop protocols for brain training. In addition, different schools of thought use different EEG systems and protocols.



1.    Because every patient is different, we use qEEG guided Functional Neurofeedback. That means we don’t use a cookie-cutter approach based on your symptoms. We create custom designed training plans specifically for you based on your 19 channel qEEG data and your own personal story, considering your history of head injuries, emotional trauma and physical health.


2.    We use NewMind’s Functional Neurofeedback approach, which recognizes that everyone is different and training should be individualized for every client. It considers all bio-psycho-social areas of a person’s life for a complete and accurate assessment. Then we develop an effective training plan that is more likely to help a client truly improve their life.


3.    Our protocols are based on the latest research. We train left-to-right non-linear dynamic compensatory brain networks at homologous sites, either 1, 2 or 4 channels.


This is based on the research of Pascual Leone and others. Most practitioners who use 2 channels place the sensors on a specific anatomical location. Since the brain is a non-linear dynamic network, we train entire bi-lateral networks as seen on the picture on the right. In doing so, we can account for compensatory processes and manage horizontal and vertical integration at the same time. This means we always work on cognitive function and emotional health at the same time, while minimizing compensation.


In our experience, this type of 2 and 4 channel training provides better results than 19 channel z-score training. Because of the reported side effects, we are currently not providing z-score training and will wait until the technology improves to better manage compensatory issues.


The current research that proves efficacy of neurofeedback for different conditions such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, etc is all based on 2-channel neurofeedback. There is currently little research available for 19 channel z-score training.

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4.    Our practice director has many years of experience in analyzing qEEG brain maps. This means that you don’t have the wait several weeks to receive your report and hear the results. She usually can get this done in a matter of days. She has been mentored by Dr. Richard Soutar, who is one of the pioneers in neurofeedback and qEEG brain mapping with over 30 years of experience. She is actively involved in the Neurofeedback community and continues to take seminars to learn about the newest technology and research.


5.    We stay with you while you train. We manage real time progress in a hands-on way by monitoring your session while you are training. This allows us to optimize your protocol during your session and ensure the best results of every session.


6.    We provide patients with the flexibility of using a home system, while we continue to monitor them with cognitive performance testing, progress trackers and post maps. The results of your qEEG brain map will help us decide whether a home system is right for you.


7.    As mentioned above, we offer custom designed training plans. We integrate Neurofeedback with brain entrainment using photic stimulation, which helps you feel better sooner. Our training plans may also include Alpha-Theta training, which helps you enter a deeper state of consciousness. This type of training helps to resolve and integrate traumatic memories and heal from conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and addictive disorders. We also offer Multi-Variate-Coherence training and different bipolar montages.


8.    If needed, our Functional Neurofeedback solutions can also address underlying metabolic and physiological issues inhibiting your brain function. Your qEEG brain map may show signs of inflammation, blood sugar swings, lack of ATP, etc., which negatively impact your brain function. If we do not address them, we can still train your brain with neurofeedback, but it is usually a slower process. If we also address the underlying metabolic issues and provide the right “fuel” for the brain, patients train much better and usually need fewer sessions to achieve their goals.


9.    We offer unlimited free computerized cognitive performance tests. Cognitive performance tests provide a more objective way in assessing symptomatic progress. The computerized versions of these tests are quick and easy to do. These are standardized tests using published norms and are based on the experience of decades of neuropsychological testing. A baseline test is done before starting the training and subsequent tests are compared with this baseline. Patients have a password and can perform the tests at home, even after their training has finished.


10.  Because we want to help everyone in the Bay Area and beyond, we are working hard at keeping our prices affordable while maintaining quality services. We provide unlimited free cognitive performance tests to manage progress and have been offering our qEEG brain maps at a 50% discount. We include 2 free sessions as part of our pre-paid packages and give discounts on post maps.


Patients say that we care about them. And it’s true. We wouldn’t be doing this type of work unless we care for people and their families.




Lorna’s story.

“Over the past nine years, I’ve tried just about every protocol offered to relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: medications, up to 90 supplements a day, acupuncture, three months of nothing but water, sprouts, seed and wheat grass, detox cleansing diets, meditation, yoga, exercise, chi gong—the list was endless. Neurofeedback has been, by far, the most effective. It reduced my pain by 95%, and restored my sunny disposition so that I could actually enjoy life once again. For the first time in nine years, I was pulled out of the darkness and into wellness.”














Disclaimer: A qEEG brain map is not intended for clinical diagnosis, but for the purpose of clinical practice of qEEG neurofeedback. A nutritional evaluation is not a substitute for an official clinical diagnosis, rather it is intended for the development of nutritional protocols.










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